Corellia advisory has signed a contract for the Feasibility Study and Broadband Infrastructure Development Plan for the cities of Čazma and Garešnica, and the municipalities of Berek, Hercegovac, Ivanska, Štefanje and Velika Trnovitica.
The procedure for the development of broadband infrastructure in areas lacking sufficient commercial interest for investments is to prepare project proposal for the tender “Deployment of the Next Generation Networks (NGN) in NGA White Areas”. The project documentation consists of two basic documents, Feasibility Study and Broadband Infrastructure Development Plan.
Entries to the tender will be open from September 1st 2018 until March 1st 2019. The total available funds for the allocation of this tender amount to,00 HRK.
This is Corellia advisory’s second project in the field of broadband infrastructure development in the Bjelovar-Bilogora County and fourteenth in the Republic of Croatia.